Vet Nurse Clinics
Our qualified registered veterinary nurses run clinics and are a great source of professional advice on a range of pet health issues, including:
Super Seniors
O.A.P. check-ups
Dental Health Checks
Including advice and guidance on prophylactic tooth care at home (e.g. brushing, and other products available to maintain dental health).
Weight Clinic
Giving support and advice, setting targets and action plans for pets that are either under or over weight. Coomara is an accredited Weight Management Centre, recognising the additional training our nurses have received in this area.
6 Month Checks
For juvenile dogs - including discussion about diet, progress and neutering.
Worm and Flea
Treatment administration
Not forgetting Puppy Playgroup; an excellent opportunity to socialise your new puppy, and chat to our qualified nurses about your puppy's progress and homecare.
Our nursing team are always around to help you.
NB: If our nurses find something of concern during their examination they will either call a veterinary surgeon into the room on that day to take a look, or book you an appointment with a vet for a later date - in these cases normal veterinary consultation fees apply.
Got a question about our nurse clinics?
We'd love to hear from you, give us a call or send an email, we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
For urgent enquiries, please call.